Cohiba stands above all other cigar brands as perhaps the most famous cigar brand of all-time. These revered cigars continue to wow cigar enthusiasts around the globe every day. For those that want to display their passion for the legendary brand, the Cohiba Three Finger Leather Case is an exquisite accessory that belongs in every Cohiba fan’s kit.
Beautifully crafted of genuine Spanish leather, the case offers a unique take on the Cohiba cigar band with a black exterior that features the familiar square grid pattern. Opening the case reveals a splash of Cohiba yellow and three cigar shaped fingers, while a Cohiba’s famous Taino silhouette in gold marks the front of the exterior. Each of these touches makes the cigar case unmistakably Cohiba.
This case also provides luxurious style and protection for your favorite cigars. With space for a maximum of three good-sized Robusto cigars, the case is ideal for those thicker ring gauge Cohibas, such as the Cohiba Siglo VI. Whether Cohiba or another of your favorite brands, the case keeps the cigars safely tucked away until you remove them with style and panache that comes with being a Cohiba cigar connoisseur.
Cohiba cigars are amongst the greatest in the world and deserve a cigar case of equal quality, and the Cohiba Three Finger Leather Case is it. Elevate your love of Cohiba to new heights with this stunning case and let everyone know you settle for nothing but the best. Includes a gift box and a protective cotton bag.